Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Baby J

Just love love love newborn sessions.  I have to say, this wee one was my best newborn so far!  He never made a peep!  Just adorable!!!!  :)

2012 updates

Update WAY overdue! It's been a busy time around my house so uploading pictures has taken a MAJOR back seat to blogging. I am getting so excited about upcoming Christmas sittings! If you see this post, mention it when you book your Christmas sitting and get 10% off!!

This is a picture of my nephew...just can't get enough of those eyes!!
Here is a newborn sitting...just want to nibble those fingers!
My kid-os! Always my reason for taking pictures!



One of my military friends asked me to take pictures of her and her husband before the Navy Ball, I just can't help myself when the littles are around...esp when they have red-hair!  :)


Saturday, January 7, 2012

...last one for today

a few more Christmas sittings

December sittings

So, I have been WAY behind on posting pictures.  It was a busy Desember. My little family moved across town and then there were SO many Christmas sittings!!  It was a lot of fun meeting so many great people!!  :)  Thanks to everyone that had a great sitting!! are a few of my favorites.